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Expert Duolingo Coaching Center Near Me: Elevate Your Language Skills


The Duolingo English test can be taken with Grace Pathway abroad. It is a computer-based test that evaluates your English proficiency. The test comes with sections like listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.  

You can take the test with the help of computer-adaptive technology, which means the test will be specifically curated according to you. You will have many formats like video interviews, writing samples, and much more like that.  

Discounted Fees Rs.4,800

Fees Rs.5,500

  • The Duolingo exam lasts for an hour, and you have to take the test in three parts.    
  • You will have tests like selecting the real English words, listening and selecting the 
  • real words, completing the missing letters, describing the image in written form, and describing the image in verbal form. 
  • You have to read aloud and answer a spoken or written question, which will be a video interview, writing, and speaking. 
  • Each test will last for 2 to 5 minutes, and you have to quickly answer the questions.   
  • The exam begins with some rules and regulations that you need to follow during the test, including checking the camera, speaker, and microphone so that you can take the exam with ease.
  • There will be an adaptive test with four sections: reading, listening, writing, and speaking. The questions will not appear in order; they will be random.
  • Another section requires you to answer for 45 minutes; it will be a video-based interview. This part does not contribute to your scoring, but reporting to the institution will help you with the scores. 


  • In Duolingo, you have to score 160, and you can get the results within 2 days. A score of 115 is considered good.
  • You will be given marks according to your literacy, conversation, comprehension, and production. 
  • Literacy refers to the ability to read and write, comprehension refers to the ability to read and listen, conversation refers to the ability to listen and speak, and production refers to the ability to write and speak. 
  • At Grace Pathway Abroad, exclusive training is offered to help you obtain your desired score in Duolingo. 
  • With experts, you can achieve your desired score. 
  • You will be trained with testing conditions and your ability to understand the English language.  
  • We start with classroom training, followed by practice session questions where you will be asked to answer some questions.
  • Classroom sessions, mock tests, and simulated test conditions are also provided for the students.
  • Duolingo scores are valid for 2 years.   
  • You can register online immediately.   
  • You have to take the test on a computer only.


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